As we celebrate 50 years of Friends Outside in Los Angeles County in 2022, during National Women’s Month we also celebrate the women of Friends Outside Los Angeles. Today, we are celebrating former board president and women’s advocate, Joyce Ride!
Why I Give – Giving Tuesday
A friend of mine brought me to be a guest speaker as part of an arts program at a prison in Oregon.
2021 Year End Report
2021 Year End Report – Friends Outside Los Angeles County
New Publication – Improving Outcomes for Individuals with Sex Offenses
Friends Outside Los Angeles County is pleased to announce the release of its publication, “Improving Outcomes for Individuals with Sex Offenses.” Written in partnership with two researchers, Luis Barrera Castanon, Ph.D., and Marco Murillo, Ph.D., the publication is our final report that to the project funder, the California Workforce Development Board.
Fatherhood Project
We are excited to announce the return of our reentry fatherhood program, the Dads Back! Academy F.I.R.E.!