As he will readily tell it, Sam Spicer, Jr. had been in and out of jail/prison a few times when he came to Friends Outside in Los Angeles County to perform community service.

Program Highlight: Dads Back! Academy F.I.R.E.
The Friends Outside in Los Angeles County’s Dads Back! Academy F.I.R.E. program is our third-generation program designed especially for re-entry fathers, their families, and their children.
May brings Mother’s Day . . .
As we celebrate 50 years of Friends Outside in Los Angeles County in 2022, during National Women’s Month we also celebrate the women of Friends Outside Los Angeles. Today, we are celebrating former board president and women’s advocate, Joyce Ride!

George Ferrick, FOLA’s First Paid Executive Director
Mary: How did you become the first paid FOLA Executive Director? George: I found out about Friends Outside from Alice Callahan, a nun who became an Episcopal Priest and was […]
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Meet our Honorary Co-Chairs for FACES 2022!
Friends Outside Los Angeles County is pleased to announce that Fred Armisen and Dorian Esters have graciously accepted our invitation to be our Honorary Co-chairs for FACES 2022, our 50th Anniversary Celebration